Dear Studio 56 Dance Center and Preschool Families,
I wanted to take a moment and send a message regarding the state-wide mask mandate that is scheduled to be lifted on April 10.
I’m sure many of us see this action as a major milestone, marking the progress our state has made over of the past year. However, businesses (and all of us) are still being asked to act with appropriate caution as we move forward into these new and much-anticipated phases.
While vaccinations are progressing at a positive rate, the risk of COVID-19 transmission is still a factor to account for. As such, we are asking our staff, students, and families to continue wearing masks for all in-person classes, as well as in drop-off and pick-up procedures in and around our studio locations. This will continue until the guidelines for quarantining for an exposure begin to lift. We hope you will see the wisdom in this decision, both for the safety of your precious loved ones, as well as for our continued ability to responsibly provide a place for them to come dance, learn, and socialize.
As a point of information: While we have had a negligible occurrence of COVID-19 in our programs, our students have been able to take over 6,000 classes with zero cases of transmission within our buildings since re-opening. We consider that a major win and owe it, in large part, to your willingness and commitment in following these practices.
As a teacher, a dancer, a business owner, and a mom, I look forward to the day when this is no longer an issue any of us has to worry about. In the meantime, we will continue all of the Safer Studio™ measures that have contributed to our success so far, including providing virtual class options for those who don’t feel well, regular well-checks for employees, ongoing facility cleaning, hand sanitization, and face coverings.
As always, we will continue to monitor the situation, making the physical, social, emotional, and mental health and well-being of our students our top priority.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding.
Amy Moore
This past month we were able to support the Taylorsville Drill Team by having our Company Dancers perform as fillers at their year-end showcase. After almost a year, our Performing Company students took the stage as a studio again. It’s been a long year where we have had to learn a lot. So much has changed. It’s been broken, fixed, and put back together. It was such a positive experience filled with love, support, fun, high energy, and excitement. The kids just loved being on a stage again and you could tell. We had some amazing wins that were not just based on scores. We are so grateful for the opportunity to shine on stage once again.

It’s time for “Rollover Rally!” members only perk! Progress Reports and class placements for next season will be coming home in April. Discounted membership fee of only $30 will be automatically processed on May 1st, 2021 unless the withdrawal form is completed online no later than April 15th. Please contact us via email if you need to make changes to your class. Enjoy your summer when you already have your schedule set up for next season starting August 30th.

Join us via Zoom to learn about the programs and class options we have for your child’s dance journey as they grow with us here at Studio 56 Dance Center!
Preschool Pathways @ 7:00pm
- Meeting ID: 883 5332 0267
- Passcode: grow
School-Aged Pathways @ 7:30 pm
- Meeting ID: 863 9298 9133
- Passcode: grow

We are going to be having a THEME week in class the week of April 12-16th. Come dressed as your favorite SUPERHERO or PRINCESS! Make sure you can “dance” or “tumble” in whatever you choose!
It’s that time of year we would like to remind our female dance and ballet/jazz classes about our underwear rule… Female dancers don’t wear underwear they wear tights. We don’t wear underwear under our swimsuits and a dancer doesn’t wear underwear underneath her leotard. I need your help NOW before the concert gets here. Let’s start working on it now so we don’t have panty problems at the concert. THANKS!!

SUMMER DANCE! Registration for summer classes and camps is NOW OPEN! Keep your kids moving this summer and join us for classes! Space is limited. View the summer guide HERE.

If you’re looking for exceptional training and an outlet for dance then mark your calendars with the 2021 Studio 56 Dance Center Company summer dates! Our company program is for dancers who want to be challenged to reach their full potential. Find more info HERE

As the season progresses additional concert information or updates will be posted on our concert link on our website, in monthly newsletters, and on the school bulletin board. Make it your responsibility to keep abreast of this important information. Our goal is to make the recital an organized, exciting experience for everyone involved. The success of the show is a team effort of students, their parents, the teachers, and the director.
- June 5: Concert Pictures & Dress Rehearsal @ West Murray
- June 9: Tumbling Exhibition
- June 19: Concert
We have started learning our dancers for the Concert! Please do everything you can to have good attendance! We are so excited for dancers to get to perform in socially-distanced mini recitals this year.
Our teachers have loaded their choreography and music to dropbox for you to rehearse at home. You can also access this link on our website under, portal, Concert Info, Practice Videos.
How amazing are our dance families! We are honored to have so many wonderful dads signed up for this year’s Dad Dance! Thank you for being apart of these wonderful memories. We want this to be a wonderful experience for everyone. So, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call or email.
Rehearsals are held by age. Preschool Dancers (dancers 2y-5years NOT in KND). School-Aged Dancers. If you have dancers in both age ranges, please look for your name on the list twice. Your first two rehearsals will be dads only! We will be teaching the bulk of the choreography to you before bringing in your kiddos.
To create ample space and allow for social distancing we will be offering dad dance rehearsals in a couple of different formats. *Please note that masks will be required for all in-person rehearsals.
- In-Person: You have been pre-assigned 2 in-person rehearsals. Can’t make your in-person class? Let us know so we can open up your slot for another dad to join us.
- Virtual: You have been pre-assigned 2 virtual rehearsals on zoom. Links can be accessed in your parent portal.
- Pre-Recorded: We have choreography pre-recorded and loaded to Dropbox. Please practice at home.
HERE you can find the full schedule and all the details we have lined up for our dad dance.

April Stretch of the Month- Shoulders | Strength Challenge- Sit-ups
We are so excited this year to have a “stretch of the month” and a “strength challenge” in our acro/tumbling classes! Encourage your child to work on these skills at home to help them improve even faster! Be more involved by printing off the at-home practice tracker HERE.

In April our theme is “Never Ending Story.” Each class will be exploring different fairytales. This month we are focusing on: Left & Right, hands and feet, Pointed Toes, Chaine Preps, Dancing w/ a Partner, Creative Movement, Straddle on the head, Excited, Personal Expression. We hope you can find time to review these elements with your dancer at home. It is a great way to get EVERYONE moving!!