Our students & families have earned a special ending to this year. YES, we will have a recital. It will not be our traditional recital experience, but if 2020 is teaching us anything, it is to turn life’s lemons into delicious LEMONADE! We’ve gotten creative and are determined to make this memorable for your family and to make sure that at the end of all this our kids come out better people.
This year we will be offering the opportunity for families to reimagine recital and the tumbling exhibition and to showcase the accomplishments of our students. We can’t wait for what is possibly going to be one of the most memorable events we have ever produced!
The Red Carpet Recital Experience is going to be magical! Here is what you need to know now:
- Sign up for a small group Dress Rehearsal time
- Sign up for your Red Carpet Recital Experience with your teacher! (cast list is below)
- Sign up for a Tumble Exhibition time (only for those tumblers signed up, cast list is below)
1. Sign up for a Dress Rehearsal time HERE.
Between June 1-5th we’ll be holding small group practice time to prepare dancers for their big day! Our teachers will be there to run through your routines while following all CDC requirements for social distancing. Select one time slot for your routine that’s with your teacher. Find your name in the cast list below to see your routine name and teacher. More instructions on drop off/pick up procedures and what to wear will be sent out when it gets closer.
2. Sign up for your Red Carpet Recital time!
Between June 17-20 dancers will join their teacher and entertain 5 VIP guests for their own special recital! Find your name on the cast list at the end of this email and click your teacher’s name to sign up for a time. Click your song name to a link to the folder with your practice videos.
If you have more than one class with different teachers, you can choose to sign up for a slot with both of them, OR pick your favorite dance and sign up for that one… it’s totally up to you!
Stars classes that have a ballet and jazz dance will perform both in your time slot, or you can choose their favorite dance!
3. Tumbling Exhibition is separate from the Red Carpet times and will be held as originally scheduled on June 10th. If you are signed up for this your name is listed below. Head HERE to sign up for a 1-on-1 Exhibition time with your teacher. You’ll have time to practice your skills and stretch before heading into the spotlight to show off your skills to your guests! Not sure who your teacher is? Check the list below!
What Red Carpet Recitals will look like:
- Each child gets to invite up to 5 VIP guests to this memorable experience. This is your chance to celebrate with them their moment in the spotlight they’ve worked hard for all year!
- Step 1: Arrival Experience – We’re rolling out the red carpet! Our star performer will be dropped off at the front of the building and greeted by our event host (one of the teachers all dressed up). They will welcome them in through the front door and escort them into room one.
- Step 2: Photo Experience – While practicing social distancing dancers will: Meet with our photographer to capture this memory that will last a lifetime! We will be providing individual picture downloads this year in the performance package as an alternative to class pictures for Red Carpet Recitals.
- Step 3: They will meet their teacher, review their choreography, and prepare for their big performance!
- Step 4: Stage Experience – Performers will enter room 2 and step onto the stage for their once in a lifetime recital experience. The audience (up to 5 guests of your choice) will join us as you SHINE BRIGHT on stage! Their teacher will be there with them to support them every step of the way. Parents will be able to take as many pictures and videos of their big performance as they’d like!
- Step 5: Celebration Experience – Following the stage performance, your child’s teacher will escort your small group to the celebration area where performers will receive their commemorative COVID Keepsake goodie bag, complete with a congratulatory rose and confetti! From there you’ll exit out the back and can continue celebrating by going to get ice cream or whatever you dream up on this special day.
There are no additional ticket fees for this event. Offering private red carpet experiences will allow us to give our students the chance to be celebrated with their loved ones AND THEIR TEACHERS and no one has to miss out! We considered doing this class by class, but then we would not be able to fit anyone to be the audience in the space and we decided this was the best plan for everyone.
We will be hosting a curbside Pick-up the end of May where families will drive around, pop their trunk, and we’ll load in your costumes and recital shirts. We’re still awaiting a few costumes that have had delayed ship dates thanks to COVID, so as soon as we’ve received them, we’ll send out the details!
Recital Reimagined Timeline:
- May 11-29: We’ll continue with Zoom classes and recital prep
- May 25-29: Final Zoom Week – Class Celebrations
- End of May: Costume Curbside Pick Up, details to follow
- June 1-5: In-Person Small group rehearsals for Red Carpet Recital, sign up for practice time with your teacher
- June 10-20: Red Carpet Recitals, pick your day and time, sign up to follow

Next week is “Hero Week” – dress as your favorite superhero for class: doctors, nurse, teacher, mom/dad, author, athlete, character, etc!
Pathways for Dancers Meetings- May 20th via Zoom: Learn about the programs and class options we have for your child’s dance journey as they grow!
Dancer Pathway Meeting – Preschool Age 6:00pm
Meeting ID: 741-7410-3483
Password: 819887
Dancer Pathway Meeting – KND – 2nd Grade 6:45pm
Meeting ID: 749-7593-1678
Password: 5543367
Dancer Pathway Meeting – 3rd Grade and older 7:30pm
Meeting ID: 752-1473-4813
Password: 666735
Virtual At-Home Recitals: May 18, and May 26-29! Dress up in anything you want for this special final class celebration. We’ll send out a special virtual background for kids to turn on during their recital run through and snap a class photo! Check out this quick video to see how the last week of classes Virtual Recital Experience will work!