Happy New Year!
What a year it has been:). As we round out 2021, I am thankful for all we have experienced. I’m often asked what I do, and I used to say “Teach dance.” Now, I say, “raise up the next generation of leaders to accomplish all they set out to do using the platform of dance.”
The arts are something that no longer gets the recognition as they once used to. I know that and am aware of that. It’s part of the reason why I am so passionate about it! Trust me, I get it. There are days where you sit back and say,
“I spend so much on the dance class.”
“This takes up so much time”
“I just wish we had a night to sit at home.”
But, when I asked my dad the other day WHY he kept my sister and I dancing all those years He said,” I knew you would learn things that you didn’t even realize were being taught, but that’s when you learn them best. Wisdom is gained from experience, and I wanted you to experience it all.” Fighting through the WHY or I’m tired of fighting with you to go he said was overruled with my parents desire to:
- Want to give us more than they had.
- Mentors that they knew one day would guide us in their absence.
- They wanted us to not want to finish something so when we did persevere, we knew what commitment really meant. It means finishing what said you wanted to do long after the excitement you said yes in passes.
- They wanted us to not always get the part so when we did actually get it we earned it.
- They wanted us to find outlets of expression.
- They wanted us to make friends.
- They wanted us to be well-rounded seasoned adults.
So, this holiday season I thank you. I thank you for giving us the opportunity to be the mentors, to be a place that holds them accountable to their greatness, the place that gives them a creative outlet, that place that parents with you as a village and I thank you for giving us the privilege of being a part of their story of life.
Wishing you and your family the very best in 2022 and we will see you “NEXT YEAR!”.
Ms. Amy

PAJAMA SUCCESS! Thank you to everyone that participated in our annual pajama drive and Benefit Concert, what a success!! All the participating studios did an amazing job of turning a few heads by collecting a total of 1492 pajamas and 1165 books…WOW! What a great experience we shared together. We were able to donate to: Safe Harbor in Kaysville, Utah Foster Care Foundation from Ogden to Provo, Christmas Box House, Murray Childrens Pantry and McMillian and Horizon Elementary Schools. Great job!
Congratulations to the following students for meeting the requirements to join our Service Society! Carina Brown, Stella Rice, Aliyah Brunisholz, Monroe Hill, Indie Hill, Olivia Jensen, Madison Kennedy, Lilly Moore, Emma Nelson, Jessi Nelson, Alysia Shaffer, Hazel Sirois, Aubrey Stillman, Lillie Swenson, Amelia Winchester, Lucy Winchester, Stella Lum, Parker Winchester, Fox Warner, Tahlula Warner, Sophia Brunisholz, Alyssa Oshiro, Bridget Huddleston, Vivian Howa, Aspen Wagner, Ruby Van Dyke, Lillian Van Dyke, Kamree Nickle, Elexis Grass and Ruby Hurst.
We would like to give a warm welcome to all the new faces. It is open enrollment time. Spots are going fast. If you know of an aspiring dancer send them our way! Pick up a “Care Enough to Share” referral card in the waiting room and get $ off!! Help us spread the word about our amazing program!

We want to welcome the new year by making sure all of our students have their check-in credentials each time they attend class. At the time of registration, each student received a membership card. This card needs to be attached to the bag your child brings to class each week. Upon arrival to class or an event, they will scan their card to check in. This system improves our attendance tracking and leaves more time for learning in class. If you forget your card, the office can help you sign in. Replacement cards are $5.

While we can’t stop the snow from falling, we can help our dancers beat the winter blues by warming them up with dance. The winter months are the best time to be attending dance lessons since seasonal depression kicks in and there is not as much outdoor time to be had. Dance lessons get you moving, laughing, and make you forget about those icicles outside for just a little while! If your dancer is struggling to push through and come to class, it’s worth the encouragement! If you can just get them in the door, they are going to have a great time and leave happier!

We are now accepting registration for Fall 2022 preschool! The benefit to our preschool is that it INCLUDES our dance and tumbling classes! Get it all done in one! We offer it all and have the BEST TEACHERS around! Space is limited! LEARN MORE

Let’s have a little FUN this month! It’s Sprit week Jan 10-14!!
- Monday, DECADE Day: Send your student dressed up in styles from any decade.
- Tuesday, CARTOON DAY: Send your student dressed up as their favorite cartoon.
- Wednesday, PAJAMA DAY: Send your student to class in their PJ’s today!
- Thursday, TEACHER LOOK A LIKE DAY: Dress like your teacher today.
- Friday, Sports/fitness day: Studio 56 Swag, dress in your favorite team jersey t-shirt

We have SO MUCH fun at our event called Parent’s Night Out! Mark your calendar for your JANUARY DATE NIGHT and we will take the kids…Friday, January 14th from 6:30-10:30 pm!! We have lots of fun activities planned for the kids and you can enjoy a night out child-free! Only $20 per child ages 3 and up (must be potty trained). We will be serving Pizza @ 6:45 pm.
Sign up in your parent portal or use our quick form on our website.

Who has a kiddo that loves Frozen? Register to attend our Frozen Friends Camp and we will give you an elegantly wrapped box with an ice blue tutu and special invitation! Only a few spots left!
- When: January 17th
- Where: Studio 56 Dance Center, West Murray location
- CLICK HERE to register

We are excited to continue our fun incentive to help our preschoolers master their SKIPS! When dancers pass off skipping at dance, they will be invited to earn their wings at a “Fairy and Prince Party!” on January 28th. Start practicing skips at home so they can EARN YOUR WINGS!
Winter is here! Please carry your hip hop shoes into the studio and change into them before you enter the classroom. You will be asked to dance with no shoes if you don’t have a dry pair! Thank you!

Don’t miss out on the chance to twirl your little lady on the dance floor! Fathers, grandfathers, and uncles are invited to spend a magical evening with their little princess. Don’t forget to dress to impress for the photo booth!
- Ballroom class!
- Dessert station!
- Photo Booth!
$20 per couple
$5 for additional daughters (email office to add on a sibling)
Pre-registration is preferred
Sign up here: Go to the parent portal select enroll in a class, pick the Workshop/Special Event season, follow the prompts.
Please Note: This event is separate from our “Dad Dance” that many of you have signed up to participate in at our year-end concert Saturday, June 18th.

January Stretch of the Month- V sit hold | Strength Challenge- Hips
We are so excited this year to have a “stretch of the month” and a “strength challenge” in our acro/tumbling classes! Encourage your child to work on these skills at home to help them improve even faster! Be more involved by printing off the at-home practice tracker HERE.

In January our theme is “I need a hero.” Each class will be focused on heroes in our community. This month we are focusing on: moving hips from side to side, following directions, echappe, step touch with jump, angry face. We hope you can find time to review these elements with your dancer at home. It is a great way to get EVERYONE moving!!
STUDIO FACEBOOK GROUP: Join our studio Facebook group and be a part of our community HERE! Stay up to date on current events and connect with us!
TEXT REMINDERS: We send text reminders to the first phone number listed on your account. You can update this anytime in your parent portal.
THANK YOU! A BIG thank you from all our teachers for all the thoughtful Christmas gifts! As always, we want to thank you for your support and appreciate you trusting your children with us! We love working them and look forward to what 2022 has in store!