We appreciate all of your support; please help us by keeping your email up to date and checking it regularly. We will continue to send reminders, receipts, and invoices via email!! With Concert and Tumbling Exhibition approaching receiving emails is vital to staying up-to-date please help us out!

We always have SO MUCH fun at our Parent’s Night Out! Mark your calendar for your DATE NIGHT and we will take the kids…Friday, March 13th from 6-10 pm. We have lots of fun activities planned for the kids and you can enjoy a night out child-free! Only $15 per child. We will be serving Pizza.
You can sign up right on the website by logging into your account and picking the PNO schedule!

In celebration of St Patrick’s day, the week of 16-20th will be wear green week… Be creative!! You still need to be dressed in appropriate dance attire!!

Wear your Studio 56 sweats, jackets, hoodies or shirts to school on Friday, MARCH 2Oth to show your Studio 56 SPIRIT!

The studio will be closed March 30 – April 3 for Spring Break!

We are excited about our upcoming show!
Consent Form: We are working hard on preparing for the BIG show. We still have a handful of students with the “unknown” performing status. If you have not turned in your Concert Consent form please get that to us TODAY!! We are starting to order costumes and need our final numbers.
Concert Information: As the season progresses additional concert information or updates will be posted on our concert page in the portal our website, in monthly newsletters and on the school bulletin board. Make it your responsibility to keep informed of this important information. Our goal is to make the concert an organized, exciting experience for everyone involved. The success of the show is a team effort of students, their parents, the teachers, and the director.
Home Study: Now that our enrollment has closed it’s time to start concert routines. Please encourage good attendance and practice at home.
To ensure that the students feel confident about their performance, we ask parents and guardians to encourage them to rehearse their concert choreography regularly. Choreography and music can be found on the concert page, by selecting Practice Videos in the menu dropdown.
CONCERT COSTUMES: Costume measuring has begun, we have been measuring during scheduled class times. All children will be measured to determine their proper costume size(s).
PAYMENT FOR THE PERFORMANCE PACKAGE: Costume manufacturers do not accept cancellations or offer refunds, therefore the school does not refund costume deposits.

CALLING ALL DADS! Each year we have a special DAD dance at our concert. Dancers and dads of all ages are invited to join us for this special occasion! This is one of the most looked forward to numbers of the night…especially by our moms! If you would like to participate and have yet to signup please click here. Be sure to include a t-shirt size for dad. (Moms, feel free to volunteer your husband’s!) Daddy dance fee is $30. We will have Friday rehearsals starting in April as well as posting the choreography in a dropbox and emailing it out.
We are currently working on finalizing our headcount and will send out an updated practice schedule. Dates will stay the same as posted, however, the times may change.
CLICK HERE to learn more and see the tentative schedule.
This dance is open to ALL of our students. You DO NOT want to miss this!
March Stretch of the Month- Lunge | Strength Challenge- Handstand
We are so excited this year to have a “stretch of the month” and a “strength challenge” in our acro/tumbling classes! Encourage your child to work on these skills at home to help them improve even faster! Be more involved by printing off the at-home practice tracker HERE.
We are preparing for our Tumbling Exhibition coming up on June 10th. If you have not registered to participate please CLICK HERE so we know to plan on you!
In March our theme is “Leavin on a Jet Plane.” Each class will be traveling to a fun destination from Hawaii to Mexico. This month we are focusing on Passé (ballet and jazz), toe-heel rocks, chasse, balance, hands to self and sad face. We hope you can find time to review these elements with your dancer at home. It is a great way to get EVERYONE moving!!
We are opening enrollment for summer camps on March 1st! Mark your calendars now, we will have LOTS of options to fit your summer schedule! Early bird pricing available until April 1st.